Splendorous Strokes Blog

New Launch! Unicorn Dreams Collection has arrived.

New Launch! Unicorn Dreams Collection has arrived.

The summer is here and so are the unicorn vibes! Our newest collection has dropped with sparkles, frill and couture. Style your room or find a great summer birthday gift! 

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Decorate with Dreamy Unicorn Style

There is no fun without dreams and why not dream of Unicorns and Stars? Summer is the perfect time to bring some sparkle and whimsy to any bedroom or special space. The thought of pinks, lavenders, lemon yellows, and sky blues just ignites the desires of whimsical dreams and more.

Our new collection brings colors like these to life along with beautiful couture gowns and sparkling chiffons. A girls dream wrapped up with cream.

The time is NOW to dream your biggest dreams! 


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A Unicorn Gift?

Not only is it a great time to decorate your space over the summer, it's also the time for mega birthday parties!

A simple fashion gift would be unique and inspirational. Share some unicorn dream decor with a friend or a loved one and bring a little whimsy and sparkle to their hearts and space. 


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