Hi Splendorous Strokes Fans,
We all know it's been a crazy last several years with our lovely friend named "COV-ID", however the relationship really is truly hard and is quite the difficult friendship. Nonetheless, it appears COV-ID won't take no for an answer! Thus, here we are again with being indoors and keeping social distance.
Nevertheless, please know that we are doing our due diligence to keep all orders and parameters for packaging orders and shipment supplies as safe as possible. We will continue to do the norm of washing hands, wearing masks, and having good ventilation in our studio area.
Thus, due to the need of sanitation and the heighten measures as...well everyone knows...at this point orders can be delayed.
Also, due to the rise in online shopping last year and most definitely this year for the holidays 2021 shipping may also be delayed due to high volume orders and weather issues during the winter months.
Overall, your Splendorous Stroke is diligently working on providing safety and efficiency for you all! We appreciate you all in this time and know at some point in the future we will go back to normal and share the little things with each other, such as a simple smile!
Thanks for your support during these difficult times.
xoxoxo- Splendorous Strokes!